The assign container options allows the user to assign a material as the container of the camera. Custom Light EvaluationĬustom Light Evaluation allows the user to select which components (such as Diffuse, Translucent, Reflectance, Transmittance, and SSS) will be evaluated for a given material and light, thus removing unwanted contributions and accelerating render times. For physically accurate results, the default value (Inverse Square) should be used. IES > Multiplier: Modifies the intensity of the IES light.Īttenuation: Defines the attenuation type of the emitter. IES > Filename: The path to the IES file. (Only for Rectangular & Cylindrical lights) IES files describe light's emission according to measured goniometric data. Passive Emiter: The emitter will not cast light into the scene but one will be able to still see the emitter 'lit'. A value of 683 lm/W corresponds to lights without energy loss.

Power > Efficacy: Defines the energy loss of the emitter. Power > Units: Defines the units that will be used for the given power. Power: Defines the power of the emittance along. Shadow > Radius (m): Defines how soft the shadows will be. Shadow > Soft Shadows: Definges whether the light will have soft shadows or not.

Light properties are divided in five categories which are: General, Emitance, Custom Light Evaluation and Container. Depending on the light type, the appropriate controls are shown. When a light is clicked in the Rhino viewport, the Thea light properties page is shown in the properties page. Thea light properties can be configured from a separate dialog. Assigning materials with Content Browser.

Assigning Color, Bitmaps and Procedurals.